Year: 2020_21
Module: Education
Variable: CREDYPa-j

Includes respondents who did CRED in youth project/centre: Version B only. [Multiple Response Table]

Do you think your youth project or youth centrel has encouraged understanding and promoted equal treatment for the following groups through these activities?

People with different politial opinions 58
People with different religious beliefs 66
People from different ethnic groups
People of different ages (older and younger people/children
People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced
People with different sexual orientations 53
Men and women 61
People with a disability and those without a disability 61
People with dependents (e.g. children) and those without 50
People with caring reponsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 52


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

People with different politial opinions 56 61
People with different politial religious beliefs 65 67
People from different ethnic groups 61 66
People of different ages (older and younger people/children) 62


People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced 47 42
People with diffferent sexual orientations 49 56
Men and women 62 62
People with a disability and those without a disability 58 64
People with dependents (e.g children) and those without 49 51
People with caring responsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 49 55



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
People with different politial opinions 66 68 49
People with different religious beliefs 71 68 59
People from different ethnic groups 69 66 58
People of different ages (older and younger people/children) 73 63 56
People who are single, cohabiting, married or divorced 50 49 37
People with different sexual orientations 59 51 49
Men and women 69 63 56
People with a disability and those without a disability 63 73 56
People with dependents (e.g children) and those without 60 46 44
People with caring responsibilities and those without caring responsibilities 60 51 46



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