Year: 2015
Module: Young Carers

If answer to CARERESP is 'Yes':

What kind of caring tasks do you do? [MULTIRESPONSE TABLE]

Personal care, e.g. helping with washing, dressing, eating and toilet 27
Physical care, e.g helping in/out of bed/chair, getting up/down stairs 28
Practical care, e.g. shopping, housework, gradening 51
Emotional care, e.g. providing reassurance, helping them not to stress, keeping them company 55
Helping manage household finance *
Managing medication *
Looking after my brothers and sisers when my parent or guardian can't cope 19
Other 11


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for young men and women

  Male Female
Personal care, e.g. helping with washing, dressing, eating and toilet 21 31
Physical care, e.g helping in/out of bed/chair, getting up/down stairs 19 33
Practical care, e.g. shopping, housework, gradening 45 54
Emotional care, e.g. providing reassurance, helping them not to stress, keeping them company 55 56
Helping manage household finance * *
Managing medication * *
Looking after my brothers and sisers when my parent or guardian can't cope 19 19
Other 10 12

* Too small cell count to report



Results for young people of different religions

  Catholic Protestant No religion
Personal care, e.g. helping with washing, dressing, eating and toilet 28 25 28
Physical care, e.g helping in/out of bed/chair, getting up/down stairs 33 21 26
Practical care, e.g. shopping, housework, gradening 46 64 51
Emotional care, e.g. providing reassurance, helping them not to stress, keeping them company 67 43 51
Helping manage household finance * * *
Managing medication * * *
Looking after my brothers and sisers when my parent or guardian can't cope 21 18 19
Other 15 0 16

* Too small cell count to report



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