Year: 2015
Module: Sport
Variable: SPORTDO


In a normal week, would you do any of the following things? [MULTIPLE RESPONSE TABLE]

Walk or cycle to school, college or work 37
Do PE in school, college or work 44
Take part in sports in a sports club, organised activity or a gym outside of school 52
Take part in outdoor adventure activities, e.g. canoeing, mountain biking, climbing 11
Undertake any other physical activity 30
I do none of these things 8


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

  Male Female
Walk or cycle to school, college or work 38 45
Do PE in school, college or work 48 40
Take part in sports in a sports club, organised activity or a gym outside of school 61 45
Take part in outdoor adventure activities, e.g. canoeing, mountain biking, climbing 13 9
Undertake any other physical activity 31 29
I do none of these things 8 9



Results for people of different religions

  Catholic Protestant No religion
Walk or cycle to school, college or work 40 40 45
Do PE in school, college or work 41 51 39
Take part in sports in a sports club, organised activity or a gym outside of school 56 54 44
Take part in outdoor adventure activities, e.g. canoeing, mountain biking, climbing 12 11 10
Undertake any other physical activity 30 31 29
I do none of these things 9 6 11



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