Year: 2012
Module: Shared_Education
Variable: SCHCLOSE

Suppose a school near your school was told that it had to close and all the pupils will now come to your school instead. Would you mind if this happened?

I would mind a lot16
I would mind a little35
I would not mind35
Don't know14


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
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Results for men and women

I would mind a lot 19 14
I would mind a little 29 39
I would not mind 39 33
Don't know 14 15



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
I would mind a lot 15 17 17
I would mind a little 37 35 30
I would not mind 37 33 38
Don't know 12 15 16



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