Year: 2004
Module: Health

This page lists the questions asked within the Health module in 2004. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Health can be found on the Health Resources page.

STRESSED: How often do you get stressed?

MAKESTRESS: What makes you stressed? - summary of responses

MAKESTRESS2: What makes you stressed? - full list of responses

GHQ: 12 item General Health Questionnaire

USMOK: Have you ever smoked tobacco?

UALC: Have you ever drunk alcohol?

UDRUG: Have you ever used illegal drugs?

USOLV: Have you ever used solvents to get high?

USEX: Have you ever had sexual intercourse?

COMMENTS: Anything else you would like to say about smoking, drinking, drugs and sexual matters?

The Pressures and Influence Factors module includes questions on influences on behaviour relating to this issues.

The Education module includes questions on lessons, videos or discussions in school relating to these issues.



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