Year: 2004
Module: Cross Community Contact
Variable: SOCDIFF

Below is a selection of open-ended responses that relate to the question:

'How often do you socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community to yourself?'

I feel segregated from the other religious communities. The only chance I meet with people from a different religion would be on the bus to/from school.

People in my area are run by paramilitaries. I have many Catholic friends which is not accepted by parts of the community so you receive abuse. I cannot go out anywhere with Catholic friends when other Protestants will be there.

People in Northern Ireland, socialise with people from different religions without knowing it. It could be at work, a bar or concerts etc. People [in] Northern Ireland are aware of this and it does not seem to bother them.

Personally I think Protestants and Catholics are all people, my boyfriend is a Protestant and I love him as much as I would love a Catholic boy. I am completely not prejudiced! Everyone deserves a chance.

There is a lot of sectarianism in N. Ireland. People should learn to respect other people's opinions & religions. Being able to socialise & be friends with both Catholics & Protestants mean so much to me.

I think some people take their religious beliefs too serious. What religion you are shouldn't stop you from befriending someone. There is no need for violence due to religion or race.




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