Year: 2003
Module: Social Capital

This page lists the questions asked within the Social Capital module in 2003. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question.

LOCAREA: How would you define the area in which you live?

KNOWAREA: Do you know many people in your area?

WALKAREA: How long would it take you to walk outside of your area?

LOCAREA1: Is your area a close tight-knit community?

LOCAREA2: Is your area a friendly place to live?

LOCAREA3: Is you area a place where local people look after each other?

LOCAREA4: Do most people who live in your area trust one another?

LOCAREA5: Do you often see strangers in your area?

TRUSTLOC: Do you trust most people in your area?

DAYSAFE: How safe do you feel walking alone in your area during the daytime?

DARKSAFE: How safe do you feel walking alone in your area after dark?

PHONEREL: How often do you speak to relatives on the phone?

SEEREL: How often do you see relatives?

SEEFRND: How often do you see friends?

SEENEIGH: How often do you see your neighbours?

RELNEAR: How many relatives live within a 12-20 minutes walk or within a 5-10 minute drive?

FRNDNEAR: How many friends live within a 12-20 minutes walk or within a 5-10 minute drive?

FAVNEIGH: In the past 6 months, have you done a favour for a neighbour?

FAVFORU: In the past 6 months, have any of your neighbours done a favour for you?

ORG1: Are you involved in social clubs?

ORG2: Are you involved in sports/hobbies clubs?

ORG3: Are you involved in associations?

ORG4: Are you involved in religious groups?

ORG5: Are you involved in other types of organisation?

ORG6: Are you involved in no organisations?

OFTENORG: How often do you attend these organisations?

TRAVOUT: How often do you travel outside your area?

RELAREA: What is the religious composition of this area?

TRAVAREA: How often do you travel to areas or through areas in which you feel less safe?

LESSSAF1: Do you feel less safe in mainly Catholic areas?

LESSSAF2: Do you feel less safe in mainly Protestant areas?

LESSSAF3: Do you feel less safe in mixed areas?

LESSSAF4: Do you feel less safe in poor areas?

LESSSAF5: Do you feel less safe in areas of high crime?

LESSSAF6: Do you feel less safe in isolated areas?

ISSHELP: If you were faced with an issue, do you know who to turn to for help?

INFLDEC: How strongly do you feel that you can influence decisions that affect your area?

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