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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1989

Variable Listing for Module: Work Orientations

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


NOCONTCT: Is lack of contact with people at work the worst thing about being unemployed?

NOMONEY: Is not enough money the worst thing about being unemployed?

NOSLFCON: Is loss of self-confidence the worst thing about being unemployed?

LSRESPCT: Is loss of respect from friends and acquaintances the worst thing about being unemployed?

FAMTENSN: Are family tensions the worst thing about being unemployed?

LSJBEXPR: Is loss of job experience the worst thing about being unemployed?

TOOMCHTM: Is not knowing how to fill one's time the worst thing about being unemployed?

CHEMPSTA: Would you prefer to be an employee or self-employed?

CHFRMSIZ: Would you prefer working in a small or large firm?

CHPRVPUB: Would you prefer working in the private or public sector?

CHINDSEC: Would you prefer working in manufacturing or in an office?

HRSWORKD: Do you usually work 10 hours or more a week for pay in your (main) job?

LKJOBEZ: How easy or difficult would it be for you to find an acceptable job?

WORKHARD: How do you feel about your job?

WORKEARN: Would you prefer to work longer or fewer hours?

PYISLONG: How important should how long the employee has been with the firm in deciding pay in your workplace?

PYISWELL: How important is how well the employee does the job in deciding pay in your workplace?

PYISEXP: How important is the experience of the employee in deciding pay in your workplace?

PYISRATE: How important is the standard rate in deciding pay in your workplace?

PYISAGE: How important is the age of the employee in deciding pay in your workplace?

PYISSEX: How important is the sex of the employee in deciding pay in your workplace?

PYISFAM: How important is the employeee's family responsibilities in deciding pay in your workplace?

PYISQUAL: How important is the employee's education and formal qualifications in deciding pay in your workplace?

JBISFLEX: Does your job have flexible working hours?

JBISTIME: Does your job leave a lot of leisure time?

WRKBORED: How often are you bored at work?

WRKUNHEL: How often do you work in unhealthy conditions?

WRKUNPLS: How often do you work in physically unleasant conditions?

WRKIPLAN: Can you plan your daily work?

FNDJBEZ: If you were unemployed, how easy would it be to find another job?

WKINDREL: How are relations at your workplace between management and employees?

WKMATREL: How are relations at your workplace between workmates/colleagues?

JOBSATIS: How satisfied are you in your job?

WTPAIDJB: Would you like to have a paid job now?

GOVRESP6: Is it the government's responsibility to provide a decent standard of living for the unemployed?

JBISSECR: Is your job secure?

JBISHINC: Is your income high?

JBISADV: Are opportunities for advancement high in your job?

JBISINTR: Is your job interesting?

JBISINDP: Can you work independently in your job?

JBISHELP: Can you help other people in your job?

JBISUSE: Is your job useful to society?

WRKEXHST: How often do you come home from work exhausted?

WRKPHYSC: How often do you have to do hard physical work?

WRKSTRES: How often do you find your work stressful?

WRKDANGR: How often do you work in dangerous conditions?

TMPDJOB: Would you like more time in a paid job?

TMHLDWRK: Would you like more time doing household work?

TMFAMILY: Would you like more time with your family?

TMFRIEND: Would you like more time with your friends?

TMLEISRE: Would you like more time in leisure activities?

JBERNMNY: Is a job just a way of earning money?

JBENJOY: Would you enjoy a paid job even if you didn't need the money?

WORKIMPA: Is work a person's most important activity?

CHORRESP: Are you responsible for the domestic duties in your household?

PYSHLONG: How important should how long the employee has been with the firm be in deciding pay?

PYSHWELL: How important should how well the employee does the job be in deciding pay?

PYSHEXP: How important should experience of the employee be in deciding pay?

PYSHRATE: How important should the standard rage be in deciding pay?

PYSHAGE: How important should the age of the employee be in deciding pay?

PYSHSEX: How important should the sex of the employee be in deciding pay?

PYSHFAM: How important should the employeee's family responsibilities in deciding pay?

PYSHQUAL: How important should the employee's education and formal qualifications be in deciding pay?

ALWYSCON: Will there always be conflict between management and workers because they are on opposite sides?

NDSTRGTH: Do workers need strong trade unions to protect their interests?

JBIMSECR: How important in a job is job security?

JBIMHINC: How important in a job is high income?

JBMADVC: How important in a job are good opportunities for advancement?

JBIMINTR: How important is an interesting job?

JBIMINDP: How important is a job that allows someone to work independently?

JBIMHELP: How important is a job that allows someone to help other people?

JBIMUSE: How important is a job that is useful to society?

JBIMFLEX: How important is a job with flexible working hours?

JBIMTIME: How important is a job leaving a lot of leisure time?

GOVRESP1: Is it the government's responsibility to provide a job for everyone?

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