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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1989

Variable Listing for Module: Poverty

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


MUCHPOV: Is there very little real poverty in the UK?

PASTPOV: Over the last decade, has poverty in the UK been increasing?

FUTURPOV: Over the next decade, will poverty in the UK increase?

POVERTY1: Is someone in the UK in poverty if they had enough to what they really needed, but not enough for things most people take for granted?

POVERTY2: Is someone in the UK in poverty if they had enough to eat and live, but not enough to buy other things they needed?

POVERTY3: Is someone in the UK in poverty if they had not got enough to eat and live without getting into debt?

WHYNEED: Why are there people who live in need?

FEELPOOR: How often do you and your household feel poor nowadays?

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