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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1989

Variable Listing for Module: Economic_Prospects

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


ECOHELP9: Will government setting up construction projects to create more jobs help the UK's economic problems?

PRICES: Within the next year will prices have gone up?

UNEMP: Within the next year will unemployment have gone up?

UNEMPINF: Should the government keep down inflation or unemployment?

CONCERN: Is inflation or unemployment of most concern to you and your family?

INDUSTRY: In the next year, will the UK's general industrial performance will improve?

INCOMGAP: Is the gap between those with high incomes and those with low incomes too large?

HINCDIFF: How do you feel about your household's income?

HINCPAST: Over the last year, has your household's income fallen behind prices?

HINCXPCT: In the next year, will your household's income fall behind prices?

SRINC: Among which income group would you place yourself?

ECOHELP1: Will control of wages by law help the UK's economic problems?

ECOHELP2: Will control of prices by law help the UK's economic problems?

ECOHELP3: Will reducing the level of government spending on health and education help the UK's economic problems?

ECOHELP5: Will increasing government subsidies for private industry help the UK's economic problems?

ECOHELP7: Will reducing government spending on defence help the UK's economic problems?

ECOHELP8: Will government schemes to encourage job sharing help the UK's economic problems?

ECOHELPA: Will government action to cut interest rates help the UK's economic problems?

ECOHELPB: Will government controls on hire purchase and credit help the UK's economic problems?

TAXHI: How would you describe levels of taxation for those with high incomes?

TAXMID: How would you describe levels of taxation for those with middle incomes?

TAXLOW: How would you describe levels of taxation for those with low incomes?

STATEOWN: Would you like more state ownership of industry?

ECOHELPC: Will government controls to cut down goods from abroad help the UK's economic problems?

STATEOWN: Would you like to see more or less state ownership of industry?

TAXAVOID: Do you think people should be able to avoid paying their full income tax?

TAXSNEAK: Would you report someone who wasn't paying their full income tax?

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