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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1989

Variable Listing for Module: AIDS

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


AIDSRSK1: Are people with many partners of the opposite sex at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSRSK2: Are married couples who have sex only with each other at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSRSK3: Are married couples who occasionally have sex with someone else at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSRSK4: Are people who have a blood transfusion at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSRSK5: Are doctors and nurses who treat people who have AIDS at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSRSK6: Are gay men at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSRSK7: Are lesbians at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSRSK8: Are people who inject themselves with drugs using shared needles at much risk from AIDS?

AIDSSACK: Should employers have the right to dismmiss people who have AIDS?

AIDSDOCS: Should doctors and nurses have the right to refuse to treat people who have AIDS?

AIDSXPEL: Should schools have the right to expel children who have AIDS?

AIDSSYMP: Do people with AIDS get much less sympathy from society than they ought to get?

AIDSRESR: Should more money be spent trying to find a cure for AIDS, even if research into other diseases is delayed?

AIDSKILL: Within AIDS will cause more deaths in Britain than any other single disease in 5 years?

AIDSBLME: Have most people with AIDS only themselves to blame?

AIDSMONY: Should the NHS spend more resources on giving better care to people dying from AIDS?

AIDSWRNG: Should offical warnings about AIDS say that some sexual practices are morally wrong?

AIDSVACC: Will an AIDS vaccine be discovered within the next 5 years?

AIDSPUN: Is AIDS a way of punishing the world for its decline in moral standards?

AIDSBLOD: Should all blood taken in hospital be tested for the virus that causes AIDS?

AIDSTELL: Should someone be told if their blood was tested for the virus that causes AIDS without their knowledge?

AIDSKNOW: Have you met anyone who has the virus that causes AIDS?

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