Module: Sport and Social Exclusion

This page lists the questions asked within the Sport and Social Exclusion module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on sport and social exclusion can be found on the Sport Resources page.


SPORT1: My experience of sport at school has given me a lifelong love of sport 2013

SPORT2: My experience of sport at school put me off sport for good 2013

SPORT3: At your secondary school was there a range of sports on offer that suited different abilities and interests? 2013

SPORT4: Are boys' sports teams generally seen as more important by schools than girls' teams? 2013

SPORT5: Do schools often become obsessed with one team sport and forget about all the others? 2013

SPORT6: Are segregated schools a major cause of segregation in sports? 2013

SPRTLIKE: Was there a sport that you would have liked to have played at your secondary school but wasn't offered? 2013

WATCH1: Have you watched English or Scottish premier league soccer matches? 2013

WATCH2: Have you watched Gaelic football matches? 2013

WATCH3: Have you watched Northern Ireland international soccer matches? 2013

WATCH4: Have you watched Republic of Ireland international soccer matches? 2013

WATCH5: Have you watched Ireland rugby matches? 2013

WATCH6: Have you watched Ulster rugby matches? 2013

WATCHOTH: Have you watched other sports? 2013

OKSPRTDF: There is nothing wrong with different sports or teams being for Protestants or for Catholics 2013

SPBRKBAR: Sport is a good way to break down barriers betweeen Protestants and Catholics 2013

PROTGAA: I would like to see more Protestants playing Gaelic sports 2013

ANTHNOSP: National anthems should not be part of sport in Northern Ireland 2013

CATHNIFT: I would like to see more Catholics supporting the Northern Ireland international soccer team 2013

GAAWEL: Is the Gaelic Athletic Association or GAA taking steps to welcome all traditions? 2013

IFAWEL: Is the Irish Football Association or IFA taking steps to welcome all traditions? 2013

RUGWEL: Is Ulster Rugby taking steps to welcome all traditions? 2013

NILGWEL: Is the Ireland Football League taking steps to welcome all traditions? 2013

GAATICK: Would you go to a GAA match? 2013

RUGTICK: Would you go to an Ulster rugby match? 2013

NIFTTICK: Would you go to an Ulster rugby match? 2013

OLDWEL: Sporting and leisure facilities are welcoming places for older people in Northern Ireland 2013

GLWEL: A gay or lesbian person would be welcomed to join, and play for most sports clubs in Northern Ireland 2013

MEGWEL: A person from a minority ethnic group would be welcomed to join, and play for most sports clubs in Northern Ireland 2013

DISNTSER: Sports for disabled people are not taken seriously in Northern Ireland 2013

WOMFAMNO: For women with young families there is almost no chance of keeping up their sport or exercise 2013

MORTVWOM: If there was more TV coverage of women's sport, more women would play 2013

WOM2ND: Women are second class citizens in sports in Northern Ireland 2013

ALLIRRUG: I would like to see a Northern Ireland rugby team instead of an all-Ireland rugby team 2013

ALLIRSOC: I would like to see an all-Ireland soccer team instead of one each for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland 2013

MORFNCOM: There should be more funding for cross-community sports projects 2013

MORFNETH: There should be more funding for cross-ethnic sports projects 2013

MORPGAA: In ten years time more Protestants will attend GAA matches? 2013

MORCNIFT: In ten years time will more Catholics attend Northern Ireland international soccer matches? 2013

SPRTBARR: Does sport in Northern Ireland break down barriers or create barriers between Protestants and Catholics? 2013

DONECCSP: Have you ever taken part in a cross-community sporting initiative? 2013

BRKBAR: Did this cross-community sporting initiative help break down barriers? 2013

GNBRKBAR: Do you think that, in general, cross-community sporting initiatives help break down barriers? 2013

SPOPEN: Sports in NI are more open and inclusive for all types of people now than they were 10 years ago 2013

SPLESASB: If there were more opportunities for participating in sport in this area there would be less anti-social behaviour 2013

DKSPOFF: I don't know much about what sport is on offer in my area 2013

SPOREXC: How often have you yourself played sport or taken part in any kind of exercise over the last 12 months? 2013

PUTOFF1-PUTOFF12: Have any of these things ever put you off doing a particular sport or type of exercise during your lifetime? 2013

MECCOACH: How would you feel if you or your children or your grandchildren's sports team was being coached by someone from a minority ethnic community? (asked in the Attitudes to Minority Ethnic People module) 2013

GLCHNGRM: How comfortable would you be using a changing room at the same time as someone that you knew was gay or lesbian? (asked in the LGBT issues module) 2013

TRCHNGRM: How comfortable would you be using a changing room at the same time as someone that you knew was transgender? (asked in the LGBT issues module) 2013

Maintained by Paula Devine

Disclaimer:© ARK 2003 Last Updated on Wednesday, 03-Jan-2018 14:41