Year: 2014
Module: Background
Variable: LIVEAREA

How long have you lived in the town (city, village) where you live now?

0 - 5 years19
6 - 10 years12
11 - 20 years21
21 - 30 years16
31 - 40 years11
41 - 50 years8
51 years or more13


Go to results for men and women, people of different religions, and people of different ages.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

0 - 5 years 18 20
6 - 10 years 10 13
11 - 20 years 25 17
21 - 30 years 15 16
31 - 40 years 10 13
41 - 50 years 8 8
51 years or more 14 12



Results for people of different ages

0 - 5 years 30 50 19 11 11 4
6 - 10 years 12 12 23 13 7 6
11 - 20 years 40 9 28 26 21 10
21 - 30 years 18 20 6 22 20 11
31 - 40 years 0 9 15 5 15 20
41 - 50 years 0 0 9 14 3 17
51 years or more 0 0 0 9 24 34



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
0 - 5 years 18 16 28
6 - 10 years 11 11 16
11 - 20 years 18 24 23
21 - 30 years 18 14 16
31 - 40 years 13 12 8
41 - 50 years 9 9 4
51 years or more 14 14 6



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