Year: 2007
Module: Community Relations
Variable: SCHLCULT

And thinking about the schools that your children attend - if you have children at school - are all these schools places where your children feel free they can be open about their own cultural identity?

Note: these tables exclude respondents who say that they do not have children at school.



Yes, definitely 73
Yes, probably 22
Probably not 3
Definitely not 1
Depends on the school <1
Don't know 1


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


  Male Female
Yes, definitely 72 73
Yes, probably 23 20
Probably not 3 5
Definitely not 1 1
Depends on the school 0 1
Don't know 1 2



Results for people of different ages


  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Yes, definitely * 71 78 67 * *
Yes, probably * 24 19 27 * *
Probably not * 3 2 4 * *
Definitely not * 1 1 2 * *
Depends on the school * 0 1 0 * *
Don't know * 1 1 1 * *

* indicates that the number of respondents in this category is too small to calculate percentages


Results for people of different religions


  Catholic Protestant No religion
Yes, definitely 78 67 *
Yes, probably 16 28 *
Probably not 3 3 *
Definitely not 1 1 *
Depends on the school 0 <1 *
Don't know 1 2 *

* indicates that the number of respondents in this category is too small to calculate percentages

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