Year: 2004
Module: Countryside
Variable: FARMSUB

Many farmers in Northern Ireland could not survive economically without subsidies. Which of these three statements comes closest to your own view about the levels to which farmers in Northern Ireland should be subsidised?



If farms in Northern Ireland cannot survive without subsidies then they should be forced to close or sell up just like any other business 7
Farming in Northern Ireland should be preserved at all costs 23
Farming in Northern Ireland should be subsidised to some degree to help farms survive - but not at any cost 68
(Don't know) 3


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
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Results for men and women


  Male Female
If farms in Northern Ireland cannot survive without subsidies then they should be forced to close or sell up just like any other business 8 6
Farming in Northern Ireland should be preserved at all costs 22 23
Farming in Northern Ireland should be subsidised to some degree to help farms survive - but not at any cost 69 68
(Don't know) 2 3



Results for people of different ages


  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
If farms in Northern Ireland cannot survive without subsidies then they should be forced to close or sell up just like any other business 8 7 8 4 7 6
Farming in Northern Ireland should be preserved at all costs 30 22 21 20 20 23
Farming in Northern Ireland should be subsidised to some degree to help farms survive - but not at any cost 59 70 69 74 71 67
(Don't know) 4 2 3 2 2 4



Results for people of different religions


  Catholic Protestant No religion
If farms in Northern Ireland cannot survive without subsidies then they should be forced to close or sell up just like any other business 7 6 6
Farming in Northern Ireland should be preserved at all costs 21 24 22
Farming in Northern Ireland should be subsidised to some degree to help farms survive - but not at any cost 71 66 70
(Don't know) 2 4 2


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