Year: 2002
Module:Community Relations

And again thinking of immigrants, which of these views comes closer to your own?



It is better for society if immigrants from other countries try to use only the language of their new country 12
It is better for society if immigrants from other countries use both their own language and the language of their new country 79
Other (please specify) 2
(Don't know) 7


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
It is better for society if immigrants from other countries try to use only the language of their new country 80 78
It is better for society if immigrants from other countries use both their own language and the language of their new country 80 78
Other (please specify) 1 2
(Don't know) 6 8



Results for people of different ages



  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
It is better for society if immigrants from other countries try to use only the language of their new country 81 76 85 83 81 68
It is better for society if immigrants from other countries use both their own language and the language of their new country 81 76 85 83 81 68
Other (please specify) 1 3 1 2 2 2
(Don't know) 7 7 5 6 5 12



Results for people of different religions



  Catholic Protestant No religion
It is better for society if immigrants from other countries try to use only the language of their new country 83 75 86
It is better for society if immigrants from other countries use both their own language and the language of their new country 83 75 86
Other (please specify) 1 3 1
(Don't know) 7 8 5


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