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Year: 2023
Module: Wellbeing
Variable: MHCTALK

If you wanted to talk to someone about any worries you might have who would you talk to? (Multiple Response Table)

Parent/carer 70
Brother/sister/other family member 49
Teacher/other school staff 36
School nurse 3
Youth or community worker 8
Friend 53
Priest/pastor/minister 5
I would use a helpline such as Childine 8
I would not talk to anyone 10


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Results for boys and girls

Parent/carer 71 69
Brother/sister/other family member 47 51
Teacher/other school staff 36 34
School nurse 3 5
Youth or community worker 8 9
Friend 53 47
Priest/pastor/minister 5 7
I would use a helpline such as Childline 8 10
I would not talk to anyone 10 10



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