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Year: 2023
Module: Wellbeing
Variable: MHCSTOP

If you were worried or stressed which, if any, of the following things might stop you talking to someone about how you are feeling? (Multiple Response Table)

I would be worried that my parent(s)/carer(s )might find out 26
If I told my friends, I would worry that they might treat me differently 30
I would not know who to ask for help 22
I would not want anyone to know that something was wrong 32
Other 19


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Results for boys and girls

I would be worried that my parent(s)/carer(s )might find out 25 27
If I told my friends, I would worry that they might treat me differently 25 35
I would not know who to ask for help 20 24
I would not wany anyone to know that something was wrong 26 38
Other 20 19



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