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    Module: Financial Wellbeing
    Year: 2023

      This page lists the questions asked in the Financial Wellbeing module in 2023. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of each question brings you to the tables of results for that question.

      COLCRIS1: In the last six months have you been eating 3 meals a day more often, less often or the same?

      COLCRIS2: In the last six months have your been receiving treats more often, less often or the same?

      COLCRIS3: In the last six months have you been leaving electrical items on during the day more often, less often or the same?

      COLCRIS4: In the last six months have you been attending after school clubs and activities more often, less often or the same?

      MONFAM: How do you think your family/carer(s) are managing with money?

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