Year: 2019
Module: Bullying
Variable: BULLFORM

In the last 3 months what form(s) did this bullying take? [Multiple Response Table]

Being teased or called hurtful names 62
Being left out of things on purpose 36
Being hit, kicked, punched, slapped or physically hurt in any other way 27
Having my money or possessions taken from me 5
Having lies/rumours or gossip spread about me 44
Cyber bullying - bullying using mobile phone, tablets, online games, social media 23


Go to results for boys and girls.
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Results for boys and girls

Being teased or called hurtful names 64 60
Being left out of things on purpose 27 43
Being hit, kicked, punched, slapped or physically hurt in any other way 40 15
Having my money or possessions taken from me 7 4
Having lies/rumours or gossip spread about me 36 50
Cyber bullying - bullying using mobile phone, tablets, online games, social media 22 25



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