Year: 2013
Module: Technology
Variable: INTSMEDP

Can your page or profile can be seen by other people?

It can only be seen by my friends and no one else62
It can only be seen by my friends and their friends11
It can be seen by anyone16
It can't be seen5
I don't know7
Not answered0


Go to results for boys and girls.
Go to technical notes



Results for boys and girls

It can only be seen by my friends and no one else 53 69
It can only be seen by my friends and their friends 12 9
It can be seen by anyone 21 11
It can't be seen 5 4
I don't know 8 7
Not answered 1 0



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Disclaimer:© ARK 2013 Last Updated on Monday, 20-May-2013 12:42